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You searched for: Tag: gay life work store grocery american idol
    martytx07  36, Male, Texas, USA - 53 entries
Aug 2007
5:19 PM CST

Ok, so let me see...nothing really intersting has happened since my idol thingie. I told people at work that I made it and we just had a laugh about it. I told them I couldn't sing but they still wanted to hear me. I didn't want to sing at the freaking grocery store so I didn't...I'm too loud, haha. Man, one of the dudes is so freaking cute. I mean, he is like freaking hot! What I would do with him if the chance came along but I think he's straight...well I'm almost sure he's straight but dang, he's freaking sexy! He seems like he flirts somewhat...well I'm probably just imagineing it but like he was like, "Dang, you can't say hi, I see how it is. What? You can't talk to me? What does my breath stink? Do I stink? Do my feet stink?" I was like, "Well I noodded my head to you, that means like what's up." But yeah, to me it was like a little flirtacious but I was thinking to myself, "Man, don't flirt with me. I might have to jump on top of you" Haha, just kidden. I'm not that FAST!!! So anyways, yeah, work is getting on my nerves. I mean, it's ok but it's just...I don't know, I don't like it. I've applied at Circuit City and I'm thinking about aplying at Best Buy because I'm a huge computer person so I think I would fit in well. Well I would love to help customers and stuff like that. Krogers is alright but I just don't like stalking...maybe I should speak up and maybe they'll change that for me but I doubt it. I think they need stalkers so yeah.

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